Owner and Founder of J.A Stowell Construction, Inc (JAS) in 1993. I studied Business at Cal Poly Pomona and played baseball for the legendary John Scolinos. Coach Scolinos always said the five most important words, “surround yourself with good people.” With the hard work, trust, honesty and integrity I learned from my Parents, and the old school hard nose baseball taught by Coach Scolinos, I built JAS on those same principals. I knew nothing would be given to me, I had to earn it. I started working out of my truck like most construction start-ups, doing all kinds of jobs with most of the labor being completed by myself. I was asked by an old company I worked for prior to starting my own, to help them complete some retail tenant improvements. Those were extremely challenging projects, but through that opportunity I built some valuable relationships, and JAS started to grow and be recognized in the industry.
Jim Stowell